Purpose Kids
Here at Purpose Church at Bethel Temple, we believe God wants to know everyone at every age. In Purpose Kid’s, we teach children how to grow their relationship with God using tools and curriculum that they will understand. Our heart for every child is the same as it is for every member of the church: that they know God and grow in the purpose He has for their life. During our Kid’s service each week, we introduce the Bible in a fun and easy way that kids can relate and remember. Our prayer for each child is that they not only know who God is, but that they are continually growing in a relationship with the one who created them with a purpose!

Check-In and Safety
We keep all of Purpose Kids information into our database. On your first visit, we will need the following personal information: parent/legal guardian names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for each child. This information will help maintain a secure and safe check-in/check-out system.
All of our Purpose Kids volunteers pass a background check, and we have our own safety team to ensure your child’s safety. We have campus security at all times and use a tag system for child check-in and pick-up. We also have labeled numbers that will be posted on the main sanctuary screen in case we need to reach you during the worship experience.